Premarital Counseling
Wondering what is involved in premarital counseling? At ALCS, we recommend doing 4-8 sessions of premarital counseling using the Prepare/Enrich Assessment. Prepare/Enrich is a customized couples' assessment that has helped over a million couples all over the world for over 30 years. The assessment is completed online (it costs $35 and takes about 30 minutes to complete), and afterwards, couples meet with a therapist to process the results. The Prepare/Enrich is research-based, and is designed to pinpoint strengths and growth areas in relationships. You can read more about it here. To schedule the Prepare/Enrich, simply email our office administrator the names and email addresses for each person, as well as whether you prefer the faith-based or non faith-based version. If you prefer the faith-based version, you may choose from Standard (non faith-specific), Catholic, Protestant or Non-Denominational, Orthodox christian, Jewish, or Inter-church / Inter-faith.