Three Ways Parents Can Support Teens Questioning Sexuality and Gender Identity
on July 24th, 2019
Michelle Johnson, MA, LPC | The adolescent years can be chock full of turmoil fueled by the perfect storm of physical, mental and emotional development overload.  Read More
Abundant Life Counseling in Kyle
on July 2nd, 2019
We're thrilled to introduce an Abundant Life Counseling Services, P.A. satellite location in Kyle, TX. Read on to hear from Michelle Johnson as she shares the story behind the center and her hopes for ALCS in Kyle.  Read More
Sex Therapy
on August 19th, 2016
What is Sex Therapy? Sex therapy is therapy that helps individuals and couples enhance sexual fulfillment and/or resolve sexual conflicts and struggles. Like other types of therapy, sex therapy is based on dialogue, but in addition to dialogue, couples can expect homework assignments to educate or enrich relational intimacy, (such as reading or doing behavioral exerc...  Read More
What is EMDR?
on August 19th, 2016
EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a clinically researched method of therapy that has been shown to be an effective treatment for trauma.  Since EMDR is a method of treatment rather than a technique, therapists who use EMDR are required to be certified in EMDR through the EMDR International Association.EMDR was developed in 1987 by Dr. Francine Shapiro.  Dr. Francine Shapi...  Read More
Carolyn Dixon, LCSW
on August 19th, 2016
We caught up with Carolyn Dixon today to give future and current clients a glimpse into why she does what she does! What do you love most about counseling? I laugh when I tell people that I do “iceberg counseling”. I have a big poster in my office of an iceberg–10% is what we see, 90% is below the surface. I LOVE being able to help people see what is going on inside them that is driving their ...  Read More
How frequently will I need to attend counseling sessions?
on August 19th, 2016
When beginning counseling, there can be a lot of unknowns.  One of the most common questions that is asked by new clients is about how often they will be attending counseling sessions.  The frequency of counseling sessions directly affects cost and treatment in counseling session and so for many reasons this is a great question.Unfortunately there is no straightforward answer to this question.  Each cli...  Read More

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 Competent care informed by Christian faith for individuals, couples, and families.

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